Important Band Dates: Friday, February 4: Middle School Solo & Ensemble Contest @ Palo Duro HS in Amarillo (We will leave right after school.) Saturday, February 5: High School UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest @ WTAMU in Canyon Wednesday - Saturday, February 9-12 TMEA Convention and ATSSB All-State Band in San Antonio Tuesday, February 22 - HS Pre-UIL Concert & Sight Reading Clinic @ Panhandle HS @ 9:30AM Saturday, February 26 - HS Vocal UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest @ WTAMU Tuesday, March 8 - HS UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
2022 Tennis Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
2022 tennis schedule
This morning in Cosmetology, Govan gave Pedro a good trim. Then he gave Coach McDowell a fresh fade for his presentation at Midwinter Conference in Austin next week. Way to go Govan!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
student washing principal McDowell’s hair
student cutting another students hair
finished product from hair cut
student working with instructor to cut principals hair
Let the NHS cook you breakfast this Friday!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Pancake Breakfast flyer
The JV boys basketball game scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The Varsity girls will start at 6:30 followed by the Varsity boys.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Dr. Snyder and his staff at the Sunray Animal Hospital will start seeing animals starting February 1, 2022. Call today to schedule your animal!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
animal hospital flyer
Support the High School Student Council and buy a 'Kissy Gram' for your friends!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Student council fundraiser
The Jr high basketball games scheduled today against Fritch have been cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
2022 Lady Cat Softball Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
softball schedule 2022
The JV boys basketball game scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The Varsity girls will start at 6:30 followed by the Varsity boys.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
The Jr High games scheduled for Monday, January 17th have been moved to Thursday, January 20th.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Our students are so talented! Check out this mural that Caleb Seale painted in Coach Schulz’s classroom!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
On December 3rd Sunray Collegiate ISD was announced one of the 12 school districts recognized for their outstanding programs with the release of Texas School Business magazine’s 15th Annual Bragging Rights 2021-22 special issue. Bragging Rights, which calls for nominations and is published every December, recognizes school districts that have implemented programs that are bettering the lives of Texas’ students, schools and communities. At Monday nights board meeting we were presented with our Bragging Rights plaque that will be displayed in the hallway of the administration building.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
students and board members with plaque
bragging rights plaque
The first day of class for our students pursing a vet tech certification with Dr. Snyder.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
vet tech students
Today all the elementary students gathered in the new elementary gym for the very first time. They celebrated with a student cutting the ribbon pictured with Kayla DeHerrera (Principal), Marshall Harrison (Superintendent), Shelby Taylor (Board Member), and Dustin Warren (Board Member). Picture include all students and staff from Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
students in new elementary gym at ribbon cutting
Students in new elementary gym
students at ribbon cutting in new gym
Make plans to join our HS Baseball Team!
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Alumni baseball game
Baseball 2022 Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Baseball schedule
Powerlifting Schedule for 2022
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Powerlifting Schedule 2022
Boys Ranch has cancelled the Jr. High Basketball games schedule for this evening due to not having enough players.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
Sunray Jr High basketball tournament schedule.
about 3 years ago, Jeanie Miller
basketball tournament schedule