services and bobcat logo

kitty and puppy

Be mindful that puppies and kittens should be vaccinated to prevent illnesses.


  • New Patient Exams

  • Vaccines

  • Rattlesnake Vaccine

  • Flea and tick preventatives

  • Heartworm preventatives

  • Radiology

Flea and Tick

Parasites such as fleas and ticks are very dangerous to your pets health. SAH offers laboratory diagnostic and preventatives in house for your convince.




Heartworms are transmitted by an infected mosquito. An adult heartworm will attach itself to the inside of the heart and produces off spring called microfilariae. The offspring will then circulate through the pets bloodstream. Heartworms that are left untreated could be fatal.


Here at Sunray Animal Hospital we know the importance of oral health. Annual dental exams and cleanings are recommended for your pets. This will help protect your pets from many health problems and to help maintain a health and clean mouth.



Diagnostic Imaging

Sunray Animal Hospital is excited to announce that we are now able to do diagnostic imagery. This service is available both in house or in our mobile unit.