Due the the field conditions from last nights rain we will be canceling camp. Thanks for coming out and have a great summer!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND INVITATION TO BID The Board of Trustees of the Sunray Collegiate Independent School District hereby gives notice to the general public that the District will receive sealed bids from persons interested in purchasing either or both of the real property and improvements located at: Property 1: 202 Ave. K, City of Sunray, Moore County, Texas (no minimum Bid required); Property 2: 1013 Ave. R, City of Sunray, Moore County, Texas (minimum Bid $190,000.00). Interested parties may contact Erin Boatmun, Acting Superintendent, Sunray Collegiate ISD, 400 E. 7th St., Sunray, TX 79086, phone number (806) 948-4411, to arrange for inspection of the Property. Interested bidders may obtain packet(s) for either or both properties from Ms. Erin Boatmun or from the District's website at www.sunrayisd.org. Each bid packet contains: a description of the Property, bid instructions and the District's "Contract of Sale." Bidders shall return each completed bid and "Contract of Sale," with the required earnest money, in a sealed envelope marked "Real Property Bid, Property_" (insert Property 1 or 2). Each bid must be submitted separately. Mail each sealed bid to Sunray ISD, PO Box 240, Sunray, Texas 79086, or deliver by hand to 400 E. 7th, Sunray, TX 79086. Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 2023 (the "deadline"). All bids received at or prior to such time will be opened and read aloud at the above address immediately following the deadline to submit bids. The District Administration intends to present bids to the Board of Trustees for review and possible approval of the highest acceptable bids no later than 30 days following the bid deadline. Bids must be based on a lump sum cash payment (net of all closing costs), payable at closing, not more than 30 days following approval of the sale by the Board of Trustees. Bidders will be responsible for arranging any desired surveys, title insurance, inspections of the premises, and all other "closing costs" without cost to Sunray Collegiate ISD. Bids that specify other terms may be deemed non-responsive and may not be considered. Bids received by fax machine, email or in any other electronic form shall NOT be considered. SUNRAY COLLEGIATE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS OR TO WAIVE ANY IRREGULARITIES. WAIVER OF CLAIMS: BY TENDERING A BID TO THIS INVITATION, THE BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BIDDER HAS READ AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTING A BID AND THE PROCESS USED BY THE DISTRICT FOR SELECTING A BEST BIDDER. FURTHER, BY SUBMITTING A BID, THE BIDDER FULLY, VOLUNTARILY AND UNDERSTANDINGLY WAIVES AND RELEASES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE DISTRICT AND ITS TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES THAT COULD ARISE OUT OF THE ADMINISTRATION, EVALUATION, OR SELECTION OF ANY BID SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THIS INVITATION TO BID. https://www.sunrayisd.org/page/property-bid-packets
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Due to flooding around the schools, we will start school at 10:00 on Friday, May 19th. The schedule for the day: 10:00 Start school 10:30 Kindergarten & Senior Walk 11:00 Kindergarten Graduation Following the walk, seniors will have graduation practice. 12:30 District dismisses for summer break 7:00 SHS Graduation
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
What an amazing blessing! Thanks to several generous donations from community members, we are almost at our goal. We will continue to receive donations by the PO Box or dropped off at the Administration Building during the summer months. For more information, refer to the original post. Thanks so much for supporting the students of Sunray CISD!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
fundraiser update
Summer feeding starts June 5th and will go through June 23rd. Free meals will be served Monday-Friday from 11:00am-1:00pm for ages 18 and under in the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
June Lunch menu
Please click the link below to complete the Parent and Community Survey for Sunray CISD. English https://forms.gle/sEuKBXKxNStbeAsP7 Spanish https://forms.gle/P1fNfgkfNAEHWcg4A
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Don't forget! Join us tonight for the end of the year student showcase at your child's campus! Elementary/Middle school is from 4:30-6:00 and High school is from 5:30-7:00.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
end of year student showcase Monday May 15th  Elementary 4:30-6:00 and high school 5:30-7:00.
The free physical clinic will be tomorrow afternoon for athletes going into grades 7th grade through 12th grade and band members for students going into 9th grade through 12th grade. Students in grades 6th-8th grade will be bused to the high school during their home room period so parent do not need to check them out for this. Paperwork went home last week and everyone will need to have their paperwork filled out and signed in order to receive the physical.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
REMINDER!!! Today is our last day for Dr. Snyder to see patients. It is also Viviana's last day!! We will be here till 5 today if you are still needing your fur babies records emailed or printed. We will be here next week finishing up the closing process. Feel free to stop by and wish our Vet and Vet tech the best!!
over 1 year ago, Sunray Animal Hospital
Last day
The playoff baseball game has been moved to Amarillo High baseball field, game time is still 5:00.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
REMINDER: During Elementary AR parties at the park and public pool on Friday, May 12th, parents will not be allowed into the pool to ensure we meet capacity and safety guidelines.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Due to the playoff baseball game on Friday, the Middle School awards has been moved to 11:30 instead of 2:00.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
There is a Parent Meeting tonight for ALL INCOMING 7th through 12th Grade GIRLS playing Basketball next year! 6:00 pm HS Gym
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Area Baseball Playoff Game: Sunray vs Ropes in Dimmitt, TX Game 1 Thursday @ 5:00 pm Game 2 Friday @ 4:00 pm Game 3 to follow if needed! Will post ticket information later!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
It's Election Day for the Board of Trustees. Moore county voter can vote at the Sunray community building. Sherman county voters can vote at the county barn.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Bobcats win game 1 against Shamrock. Next game is tomorrow at 10:00 AM.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
To make a donation, drop donations by the Sunray CISD Administration Office, or mail donations to: PO BOX 240, Sunray, TX, 79086. Please label the donation "Lunch Account Donations". A 501(c)(3) tax donation receipt is available upon request. Any donation amount received above the target goal of $2500.00 will go towards the next school year's accounts. 100% of donations go to Sunray CISD students. Sunray CISD cafeteria complies with all non-discrimination laws according to the USDA. A copy of the non discrimination statement is available in the cafeteria and on the school website. Thanks to the community members who have already made donations this year! Your donations have helped relieve the stress it places on students to not have funds for meals.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
To make a donation, drop donations by the Sunray CISD Administration Office, or mail donations to: PO BOX 240, Sunray, TX, 79086.  Please label the donation "Lunch Account Donations".  A 501(c)(3) tax donation receipt is available upon request.  Any donation amount received above the target goal of $2500.00 will go towards the next school year's accounts.  100% of donations go to Sunray CISD students.  Sunray CISD cafeteria complies with all non-discrimination laws according to the USDA.  A copy of the non discrimination statement is available in the cafeteria and on the school website.  Thanks to the community members who have already made donations this year!  Your donations have helped relieve the stress it places on students to not have funds for meals.
Bi-District Baseball Game Sunray vs Shamrock in Pampa 3 game series May 5th @ 5:00 May 6th @ 10:00 am and a 3rd game to follow if needed. Sunray will be home the game 1 and 3. Tickets need to be purchased online. Game 1: https://gofan.co/app/events/987847?schoolId=TX12159 Game 2: https://gofan.co/app/events/987849?schoolId=TX12159
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Bi-District Baseball Game Times Sunray vs Shamrock in Pampa. 3 game series May 5th @ 5:00 May 6th @ 10:00 am and a 3rd game to follow if needed. Sunray will be home the game 1 and 3. Tickets need to be purchased online. Link will be posted as soon as we receive it.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Moore County Hospital will offer sports physicals for the 2023/2024 school year at the HS campus: May 16th 1:30-4:30 PM Free of Charge
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller