Do you have questions concerning the VATRE? If you do, a VATRE table will be set up at the home football game tonight against Gruver. Please stop by and ask your questions and pick up additional information. Go Bobcats!
about 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Attention taxpayers of Sunray CISD please read the following:
about 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
attention taxpayers
Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Monday, October 23rd. Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. Elementary 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM Middle School 4:30 PM-6:00 PM High School 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
about 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
7 Days of Facts about the VATRE: Day 5: What is the ballot language for the VATRE and what are the voting options? Ballot language: RATIFYING THE AD VALOREM TAX RATE OF $1.1399 IN SUNRAY COLLEGIATE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE CURRENT YEAR, A RATE THAT WILL RESULT IN AN INCREASE OF 4.16 PERCENT IN MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS TAX REVENUE FOR THE DISTRICT FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AS COMPARED TO THE PRECEDING YEAR, WHICH IS AN ADDITIONAL $108,122. Voting options: A vote “For” is a vote to pass the VATRE. A vote “Against” is a vote to fail the VATRE. Please check back tomorrow for the VATRE fact for day 6! The next VATRE informational meeting will be after parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Please consider attending!
about 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
7 Days of Facts about the VATRE: Day 4: How much additional revenue would the passage of the VATRE generate for the M&O budget? Local collection would equal $396,723. State collection would equal $451,374. The passage of the VATRE would increase the district’s M&O budget by $848,097. To better understand why the State of Texas would contribute more than the local tax payer with the passage of the VATRE, please consider attending the next VATRE informational meeting will be after parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Please check back tomorrow for the VATRE fact for day 5!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
7 Days of Facts about the VATRE: Day 3: Tax Rate Comparison
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
day 3 of VATRE facts
As of October 18th, 2023, students who qualify for reduced meal prices will receive breakfast at no cost to the student. The state has decided to offer extra reimbursement to Texas districts to cover the price of reduced breakfast purchases.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
7 Days of Facts about the VATRE: Day 2: How does a school district’s budget work? School districts operate in two funds: Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Interest & Sinking (I&S) M&O funds are used for almost every expenditure. For example: instruction, utilities, technology, transportation, loans, leases, salaries, insurance, supplies, security, etc. I&S funds are only used for existing bond debt. The VATRE revenue would all be added to the M&O funds to assist with treating our debt with urgency, rebuilding fund balance, salaries, and providing for our students. Please check back tomorrow for the VATRE fact for day 3! The next VATRE informational meeting will be after parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
7 Days of Facts about the VATRE: Day 1: What is a VATRE and what is its purpose? A VATRE is a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election. The VATRE is a tool the district can use to generate additional funds on the M&O side of the budget. The additional funds will be used to treat debt with urgency, rebuild fund balance, assist in paying teachers, and to take care of the needs of our students. Please check back tomorrow for the VATRE fact for day 2! The next VATRE informational meeting will be after parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
There will be a VATRE informational meeting today at 2:00 in the high school auditorium. Please consider attending to get the facts concerning the upcoming November 7th election. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
The last Jr High pep rally for the season will be today at 1:40. Students will be released back to class. Only one JH game tonight @ 5:00. No JV.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Reminder: The 2nd informational VATRE (Voter Approved Tax Rate Election) community meeting will be held tomorrow at 8:30AM at the administration building. Each meeting will cover the same content.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Elementary and Middle School Red Ribbon Week dress-up days for October 23rd-October 31st.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Red Ribbon dress up days
The Jr. High pep rally will be at 1:40. Students will be released back to class when it is over.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Don't forget about the blood drive being held at the high school tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
blood drive flyer for october 3rd
Due to the weather starting at 3:00 today, Pre-K students will be in the elementary gym and ready to be picked up. All other elementary parents can start flowing through the line at 3:30. A staff member will be standing at the door to send your child out. If it is still raining at 3:30 please be patient with our staff as they send children out, this process will not be as quick as normal due to the weather.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Don't forget picture day is tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
Reminder: The first informational VATRE (Voter Approved Tax Rate Election) community meeting will be held today at 2:00 in the high school auditorium. Each meeting will cover the same content.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
2023 VATRE (VOTER APPROVAL TAX RATE ELECTION) informational meeting will be held on the following dates: October 1st at 2:00PM in the HS auditorium October 10th at 8:00AM at the admin building October 15th at 2:00PM in the HS auditorium October 23rd at 6:30PM in the Cafeteria October 31st at 8:30AM at the admin building November 6th at 8:30AM at the admin building Join us to hear about the tax rate election and the plans for Sunray CISD. The election will be held on November 7, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller
NJHS will be selling lollipops starting this Thursday for $1 each. They will be in both middle school and elementary gyms each morning.
over 1 year ago, Jeanie Miller